‘Begin at the Beginning,’

the King said gravely, ‘and go on till you come to the end: then stop.’ – Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Mid-life crisis

People mock a mid-life crisis. Yet, even our wise King Solomon stopped to contemplate his life. It appears he did so many times over. His advice to the young is “…remember that you must give an account to God for everything you do.”

So I did. Multiple times I stopped to take account of my life. The lastest was when I was about 36. I stopped and decided to reorient my life around the teachings of Jesus Christ. I thought that’s how I was living from 18-35, but upon evaluation, my life didn’t look much like Jesus.

I didn’t eat with sinners, clothe the needy, give water to the thirsty or care for the man in distress. I didn’t do these things because I had healthy boundaries. I didn’t want people to take advantage of me. I didn’t know the rules of these things and people.

Jesus’ Parables

With intent, I took my inheritance (Matt 19:16-21) and purchased homes for people in recovery from drugs/alcohol in exclusively middle class and upper class neighborhoods. IVY Home offers places of safety and peace (Luke 10:25). We offer as many resources as possible so people can rebuild their life following some of the worst imaginable times.

IVY Home Foundation is not faith-based. I, Ivery, am a person of faith, but the homes have no religious aspect to them. Except:

The kingdom of heaven is at hand. (Matt 10:7)

We’re here to proclaim the good news to the poor, bind up their wounds, heal their diseases and afflictions. (Matt 10:1)

The poor, needy, and afflicted can be given good things and should be. (Luke 11:13)

Miracles happen in people’s lives when they have a sturdy place for recovery from trauma. I get to see it first hand. Explaining the changes this has made in resident’s lives, me, and my family’s life is frustruatingly difficult. There’s not enough time or space to express it all. Living a life that expresses Jesus’ parables looks strange, confuses even Christians, and appears mad (crazy).

King Solomon did frequently put humans into two categories – wise or mad. (wink)

Mid-Life Crisis Or

Mid-Life Renewal. Mid-Life Reflection. Course correction. This is what my residents do. There’s no shame in it. Wash. Rinse. Repeat as often as needed. Mid-Life or otherwise. Jesus offers renewal at every point in life. In the pursuit of a life that reflects the perfect Savior who gave his own life as a ransom for many, keep having Mid-Life Crisis’ as often as necessary ‘and go on till you come to the end: then stop.’